GIOM Multivitamin 200 g powder

GIOM Multivitamin 200 g  powder
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Complemets of important vitamins and minerals in all ages.

The product increases overall immunity.
The ideal supplement during periods of physical activity or during the old age of dogs.
Improves the condition of the dog.
It supports the correct course of pregnancy and is very suitable during lactation of bitches.

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GIOM Multivitamin 200 g  powder

Administration is appropriate:

  • throughout the growth of puppies, supports the immune system and is very suitable for shedding teeth,
  • as a supplement to BARF,ie. when fed raw or cooked food,
  • dogs with higher physical activity,
  • pregnant and lactating bitches due to the content of important vitamins and minerals,
  • in old age, when the ability to be absorbed from food is already reduced.

Czech product with proven effectiveness.
Regular administration will increase the overall immunity.
The ideal supplement during periods of physical activity or during the old age of dogs, improves the condition of the dog.
It supports the correct course of pregnancy and is very suitable during lactation of bitches.
Suitable for dogs and cats.
No artificial colors or preservatives.

Ingredients in 1 kg

Vitamin E (Alfatokoferol) 5 000 mg
Vitamin B1 800 mg
Vitamin B2 800 mg
Vitamin B6 700 mg
Vitamin B12 5 mg
Vitamin K3 5 mg
Vitamin C 20 000 mg
Biotin 250 mg
Taurine 5 000 mg
Fe 800 mg
Zinc - chelated form 2 700 mg
Mangan 1 200 mg
Calcium Ca 120 g
Phosphorus P 30 g
Magnesium Mg 6 g
D,L-Methionine 25 g

Daily dosage: 1-1.5 g per 15 kg body weight per day.
1 level measuring cup is 15-20 kg. The measuring cup is part of the package.

Serve for 1 month as a minumum.
Continuous serving is possible as well.
In case of obvious deficiency, the dosage may be doubled.

Veliké poděkování patří Vám. Felixíkovi skvěle pomáhají vaše preparáty na klouby. Ráda podávám i na srst a na posílení imunity.
Známe Vás s manželem osobně a děkujeme, že jste velice laskavý, ochotný a empatičtí lidé.

Mr. and Mrs. Horváth

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