GIOM Intensive Joint Nutrition 180 tablets + 20% extra free

GIOM Intensive Joint Nutrition 180 tablets  + 20% extra free
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Cost-effective pack.

Joint nutriton with a very high content of active substances and a proven effect.

  • It supports the health of joints and cartilage thanks to the content of proven substances.
    It also strengthens ligaments and tendons.
  • Can be used for joint dysplasia ostreorathritis or growth problems.
  • The product is also suitable for older dogs, improves mobility and prolongs active age.

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GIOM Intensive Joint Nutrition 180 tablets  + 20% extra free

Joint nutriton with proven effect.

This czech product contains:

  • Glucosamine and Chondroitin, which nourish articular cartilage,
  • MSM, which strengthens ligaments and tendons,
  • Boswellia serrata bark extract which has anti-inflammatory effects,
  • Vitamin C, which is, among other positive effects, important in the production of collagen.

The product does not contain artificial colors or preservatives..

In case of obvious deficiency, it is advisable to double the dose or co-administer GIOM Acute Movement Problems.

Ingredients in 1 kg:

Glucosamine sulfate 510 000 mg
Chondroitin sulfate 100 000 mg
MSM 99,97% 330 000 mg
Boswellia serrata 30 000 mg
Vitamin C 10 000 mg

Weight of content 180 tablets is 180 g.

We would like to thank you for the super fast processing and delivery of a repeat order for Hugoušek, who has osteoarthritis in his elbows.
We also have to arrange a commendation from his orthopedist MVDr. Duchka for your preparations for Acute movement problems and Intensive joint nutrition.

Mrs. Kretschmanová and Hugoušek

Good day,
I would like to thank you for the express delivery of joint pills for my retriever dog / they came just the day after ordering /.
I believe just like a multivit. tab. from you, so these will help him on his hind legs and he will still run with me.

Thank you very much and have a nice day
Your loyal customer and her dog grandfather from Příbram :-)

Eva Růžičková

Zdravím všechny v Giomu a opět musím poděkovat za velmi rychlé doručení, což zrovna v dnešní nesnadné době velmi potěší. Zároveň opět musím poděkovat za dáreček pro mého parťáka v podobě vitamínů a za rychlé zodpovězení dotazů, když jsme Giom teprve začínali užívat Giom kupuji opakovaně a musím zaklepat – opravdu funguje. Sorbíkovi bude letos 13 let a už potřebuje nějaký ten doplněk stravy, který podpoří zdravíčko. Na Giom jsme najeli, když začali potíže se zadními nohami. Nakoupila jsem přípravek pro akutní potíže a intenzivní kloubní výživu. Velice rychle byl znát účinek. Takže za nás mohu přípravky opravdu doporučit. Hodně zdraví a spokojených zákazníků. Lenka a Sorbi

Lenka a Sorbi

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